Perrotte’s world

Perrotte considers each of his works as a personal adventure, as a new ground of expression and sharing, far from academic conventions.
Blooming, he can happily unleash a surprising capacity for creation.
The powerful lines infuse the surface with a vital impetus that takes us into an eventful universe. A real energy emanates from his works …


At your house

“My non-figurative paintings retrace a reflection, a stir, an emotion. Each is a representation of the human spirit which opens up to reflection and transcendence … They allow me to build my own artistic universe, without calculation, a universe which is fully mine. “

And you?


Discover the man

“The joy and the feeling of unreal that emanate from abstract painting allow me to express my passion, my emotions, as well as the strength and the brilliance of my country of origin. I let my unconscious guide the brush on the empty canvas, with large incisive features. A real liberation through art. ”

Who am I?
